The Weird World of Knowing Podcast

Thank you for being here at “The Weird World of Knowing”.  Created from my desire to bring together creatives & scientists from around the globe, making “Weird the new norm” in their own unique ways.

Please Subscribe to the platform of your choice and leave a REVIEW, comment, and share as much as possible.  Every one of you getting involved are helping to bring awareness to others around the globe.

Right now, that feels deeply important for us assist each other with making Weird the new Norm.

The House I lived in at 22 Just Disappeared!
Making Wyrd the new Norm! Watch on YouTube Here
Following your KNOWING! Watch on YouTube Here
I Died & Travelled The Universe. Watch on YouTube Here
Making Sense of Consciousness Watch On YouTube Here
Talking Science & Consciousness. Watch on YouTube Here
Why Would You Want Batman & Robin At A Funeral - Watch on YouTube Here
Scientist Want to Break Free YouTube Click Here

Link to Papers Discussed by Vasileios Basios…….

I Walked Out of a Great Career Twice! Watch on YouTube
How Severe Childhood Asthma Put Me on a path of Being Less Afraid.... YouTube Link
40 Years of Living with ADHD - YouTube Link
The 25 Year Wait for the Perfect Diamond - YouTube Link
From Tony Robbins to Psychic Surgery Youtube Link
How I Healed Chronic Fibromyalgia Pain
Our Own Fairy Godmother jo Jo Smith