Thank you, does not do justice the insights, learnings, challenges and gifts that have come through in 2023 for not just for me, but for you too.

There have been some monumental challenges especially towards the end of the year personally with the ill health of my mother, and facing her possible transition on more than one occasion as I followed the blue lights of the ambulance to various A & E hospitals in the North West of the UK.  No matter how much Energy work you do facing the loss of someone you love so dearly is the toughest gift of our lives.

Yes, I said gift and it wasn’t a mistype.  It made me use my skills and knowledge even more deeply, intentionally and with complete and utter meaning.  It showed me how to chose to let her go if this was her time so that she wasn’t suffering any more emotional, mental or physical pain. Through this process, we talked about when she does go even more openly.  We spent hours in the hospital listening to songs and videos she wanted playing.  We laughed and cried together tears of utter gratitude that she was able to share these moments together and enjoy her favourite pieces holding hands and telling each other how much we loved each other just with our eyes and a squeeze.  Words would have been too much for her.

That whole process, actually helped her make some peace within herself and she started to improve and get stronger and stronger each day, until I was able to bring her home for Christmas Eve night where she slept in her own bed, in her new residential home of just a couple of weeks.

Moments like this make the rest of the year all the more special.  The total appreciation of each and ever one of you and time we have managed to spend together either online, face to face or just through this ad hoc newsletter is very precious to me indeed.

May I take this moment to thank you for:

  • The Funerals I was asked to act as Celebrant.  It was the greatest honour to be by your side as we celebrated their final moments with you. Each ceremony is unique and a blessing to witness and experience.
  • To my partner Bryan, who has given me to time and freedom of looking after the dogs, my boys and home, as I went on a personal pilgrimage to over 19 British Stone Circle/Ancient Sites from Land End to the Orkeny’s. The most enlightening gift I have ever given myself and a joy to share with a beautiful group of TARC ladies and more along the way.
  • Again to Bryan for our wonderful holidays in France and Germany this year where we mixed the old and the new together.
  • The hundreds of clients I have worked with this year. Your greatest gifts are always hidden in the most difficult to reach, dirtiest and stinkiest parts of us. Thank you for trusting me through all of that to uncover your glorious shining gold dust. Keep going the best is yet to come!
  • The hundreds of children, teens, mums, dads, grandparents and singles who have enjoyed our Incredible Edible Community seasonal gatherings and gardening. Your joy and laughter of the never ending pinata, relay races, treasure hunts and walking or should I say running around the brand new Labyrinth (a very special gift indeed) will be forever etched in my heart.
  • The Wyrd World of Knowing “science & consciousness” Podcast guests who have been an inspiration to me and thousands of others with their unique gifts, insights, science and consciousness knowings. Here’s to many more hours of getting to know more of you through this time together!
  • My 3 sons who have all had their personal challenges this year and have come out of them stronger, more focused, companssionate and determined than ever before.  2024 is most certainly your year.  Go and own it my darlings!
  • The gift of undertaking the ICU Academy Teacher Qualification with Nicola Farmer in London which has enabled me to teach children to Read Blindfolded and take Energy Therapy to a whole new level of understanding personally and professionally.
  • The gift of spending time with dear friends and meeting new ones at Retreats in Scotland and Yorkshire where we delved into the cutting edge depths of Science & Consciousness with Quantum Scientists, new data from research and profound healing experiences.
  • The gift of 20 of these scientists (including friends of ‘the’ Prof Stephen Hawkins, sorry had to get that in!) and healers attending my own workshop at Broughton Sanctuary and experiencing the TImeless ARC with me.
  • The Gift of being download The Great Big Yawn and the incredible journey I find myself on with this as I applied and received National Yawning Day 10th November every year moving forward!
  • The gift of giving the opportunity to 7 local hidden gems of Therapists / Coaches to come and speak on stage with me at The Great Big Yawn Mental Health Fest in November at The Red Hall Hotel.
  • The Gift of the fabulous Sponsors, Live4Energy Training College, The Anderton Centre, Bury College, Mark Pollit, Jane Silver, Debs Cassar Egan, Hope Olivia Illustrations for making The Great Big Yawn possible and all the fabulous Volunteers on the day!
  • The gift of the Yawning Ambassadorsfrom the around the world who are now joining us to create a contagious yawn of relief around the globe for the10th November National Yawning Day.
  • Thank you for the Business Owners, Parents, Children and animals and my soul tribe that have believed in me, giving me opportunities and experiences I hadn’t even dreamt off in 2023!
  • For the MINDBLOWING recent purchase of the Wyrdoscope due to arrive in March 2024 for the undertaking of Live4Energy Training College to move into Bury’s 1st Science & Consciousness Research Centre where we will measure the consciousness effects of events and workshops in the local area. (Sponsorship and Event booking available do get in touch)

For each and every person who has opened an email, a social media post, shared, liked, connected, telephoned, texted, had a cuppa, lunched, smiled, listened, talked, laughed, cried, yawned and so much more with me, I am blessed indeed to have you share each and every moment.

I feel you… and if you know me well… you know that.

I honour you.

I see you.

I hear you.

You’ve got this kiddo and 2024 will absolutely challenge the living daylights out of you!  But you know what?  The more we do, more of the above together, consistently, the more beautiful our journey will become.

Remember the humility of the YAWN and the power that holds, is YOU!  All of you!  Don’t stifle who you are my lovely.  Go and own all your expansions and contractions and we will gently Yawn into greatness together globally.

If you want to know more about any of the above, just drop me a reply and let’s chat.  Deeper connection is everything for 2024.

Enjoy Yawning into You in 2024!


Rachel xxx


By Rachel

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