79 Healings for QUEST 79 & Derian House Fundraising

Having had an incredible re connection with Karen Darke (see above video) through Clubhouse this year (we discovered we’d known each other as children through our parents being friends) after nearly 40 years of not seeing each other.  It seemed rather important that I joined in her Quest 79 challenge.

We chatted and I was drawn to offer 79 Healing sessions as part of her challenge, as this would indeed help people to find their Inner Gold.

These 79 sessions are now on offer and some have already been taken so we are off the start line!

I will not be charging for these sessions but I will be asking for written consent or video consent of proof of administering the sessions.

Donations are of course welcomed and all proceeds will be sent through to Derian House (see below) who administer respite care to a very dear friend of mines family.

Please do click on the links above to find out more about Derian House and Quest 79 that Karen is now creating into a Charity all of it’s own.

To book a QUEST 79 Healing session please use this link below and I look forward to meeting you online very soon.

Please do spread the word with family and friends as when these sessions are gone they’re gone!

Donations can be made here directly to Derian House.