Usui Reiki & Tera-Mai™ Seichem:
What is it?
Seichem and Reiki is a healing system dating back to ancient Egypt (Seichem) and ancient Japan (Reiki). Seichem & Usui combined uses the elements of Earth (Reiki), Water (Sophi-el), Fire (Sakara) and Air/spirit (Angelic light).
The Tera-Mai™healing system, founded by Kathleen Milner, includes both Reiki and Seichem. These gentle yet powerful energies can be received and learned by anyone, regardless of their spiritual beliefs or age (including new & unborn babies!).
This is a non invasive therapy where the client remains fully clothed and either laid down or sat up. However a few minutes at the end of a massage whilst the client is draped with towels is the perfect way to end the treatment. It is suitable for any age and has no risk of side effects (for example, it can be given throughout pregnancy to benefit both mum and babe).
Benefits include:
- Boosts immune system
- Eases stress and anxiety
- Balances sleep patterns
- Soothes physical and emotional pain
- Improves joint mobility
- Heals animals
- Brings harmony on all levels
- Gives mental clarity and heightens spiritual awareness
- Re-instates self worth and respect
This therapy complements all orthodox medicine
* Earth (Reiki) energy is experienced as hot and cold (just like the surface of the planet). Works on the physical body and grounds all healing work
* Water (Sophi-El) is experience as undulating waves of cool energy that brings up deep emotional issues for healing. Thus, the healed is able o feel the negative emotions and then release them to the Tera-Mai Healer, who then gives the negativity to the angels for transformation.
* Fire (Sakara) is clearly distinguised as rapid pulses or spraksof low voltage electricity. The heaer may experience the senation of pins and needles like energy in the palms of his/her hands. Clients often feel the sparking energy or a current or energy on or in their body. Sakara gives the healer the ability to heal the aura or energy field surrounding the living.
* Air (Angeliclight) is the energy of air and spirit. It enhances the healing ability of the third eye and the voice and the breath. It helps brings about mental healing. The presence of angels is often experienced.
First degree ~ the first steps to self – healing
First initiation into 4 rays of elemental healing of Earth, fire, Air & water.
Most people take this particular class for their own healing process, and to be able to help family and friends & animals.
Everyone in the class gives and receives healing. Receive the healing energies and learn psychic protection, receive violet flame attunement, Aura sensing, chakra balancing, and how to channel healing of Reiki.
Cost: £120.00 for 1.5 Days Training or book the online course here with Zoom Attunements

Level III Teacher training masters part II
* The initiations into YOD and The Order of Melchizedek will be given and the initiate will be taught how to give these initiations as well.