Live4Energy Home Page

Live4Energy provide employers (and their family) with an opportunity to give their team a free well being service that will optimise the values and integrity of the organisation from the cleaning operative to the boardroom.

Employers pay £75 per month for each team member they want to involve.  The first 3 months of the 12 months are contract free and you may cancel whenever you wish within that 3 months.

90% of our clients are suffering from over 21+ symptoms and in severe burnout mentally,emotionally and physically.

90% of our clients find approx 40% RELIEF after 1 session from those 21+ symptoms.

5 Pillars for Success in Workplace Mental Wellbeing that Deliver Impact at Scale are:

1: Anchor Wellbeing in Business Strategy.

2: Secure Leadership Commitment

3: Drive Cultural Change

4: Embrace a Beta Driven Approach

5: Build Personal Resilience

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Live4Energy is a Year Round Online Training & Coaching College, incorporating the very latest scientific research from Rachel’s hub of Quantum Scientists with a mixture of modern & ancient techniques in Mindfulness Training, Energetics & Business Coaching to gain Optimum Performance in ALL areas of your life.                                   

Rachel Earing,

(Founder & Trainer for Live4Energy Training College)


More Than Skin Deep Business

You are an established Business who's values and ethos for their staff and organisation are more than skin deep. You want the science behind the skills & techniques. You are prepared to invest in your staff and colleagues for the long term and reap the rewards as the trust and gratitude turns into deep seated loyalty and creativity for your organisation. Results in less sick pay, higher turnover in profits, and a lower turnover in staff as they begin to understand how change can be embraced in their own lives and in business. Natural staff movement occurs through the growing stages of their development without the need for interventions.

Investors in Self Development

You wish to invest in your own personal self development and maximise your true potential, not just for a short term fix to get you through a phase, but to give you skills, knowledge and training to be consistent and sustainable for life.

Accomplished Therapists, Practitioners, Coaches

You are looking to add Scientific knowledge to your business and how to blend modalities together to improve consistency of your own self care regime by being part of this revolutionary learning system. Be supported in all levels of growth and evolvement side by side then give us a call to see how we can help you shift your business forward ten fold. Total inclusivity of all levels to learn and grow together.

Aspiring Energetic Enthusiasts

You wish to learn more about how Energy Therapies work and the latest scientific research behind them and earn CPD points in the process. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), TARC EFT, Reiki, MBIR (Mindfulness based Inner Repatterning), Hypnosis. Meditation & Intention work, Colours, Chakras, Chinese Meridian Clock, Emotional Yoga
Ho'opponono, Ancestral Healing, Pendulm/Dousing, Numerology,
are all part of the work we do and you can learn how to use them as effectively as Energy Therapists do.

Our 5 CETIS Pillars are the backbone of each session we run with organisations and individuals.  They are cemented in with the latest scientific research that back up all the work we do.  Easy to follow online content and a supportive community gives genuine results on peoples Mental Health through Emotional Intelligence education, Mindfulness techniques & Inclusion Strategies.  


AWARENESS – Training on HOW to become Aware of your emotional, physical and mental signals.

Your body & mind give you constant signals of what is out of balance in your life.  Rachel helps you acknowledge the issues presenting themselves to you and then provides a solution.

(In line with the UN’s Social Development Goals 3 & 17)

For more information click here……

ENGAGE – Training on HOW to Engage with your emotional, physical and mental signals.

Rachel helps you understand, what has been happening in your life through your physical, mental and emotional states as you experience them as close to real time as possible.  Connect deeply within yourself and make sense of it.

(In line with the UN’s Social Development Goals 3 & 17)

For more information click here……

TRANSFORM – Weekly Support Meetings With Rachel & Team as you transform.

Rachel runs weekly support meetings on Sunday evening (UK time) for personal answers to your questions, providing insights  not only from her but with the other course members.  Members says this is where the magic really comes together as they share, support and evolve through this year long process.

INSPIRE – You Begin to Inspire others.

You will soon begin to share your journey with others. The College offers the opportunity for old and new students to share their knowledge and skills, mentoring and learning together to further their journey of evolvement into their life and as a Business if they wish.

Business Strategy is available as part of the 12 month programme enabling those who are not quite sure if they are ready to become a Practitioner/Therapist themselves to grow into information as they progress through their own mental strength challenges.

(In line with the UN’s Social Development Goals 3 & 17)

SUSTAIN – Learn HOW to bring all the above together and sustain your journey.

Rachel shows you through consistency of learning about you.  For example: by completing your unique trigger cycles using Emotional Intelligence you can move effectively through intense levels of discomfort, literally bouncing back faster and faster each time.  Learning to repeat the cycle above as often as you can leads to greater sustainability.

Not only that, the more you support others to do the same, the faster you evolve in the process.  All leading you to your unique abundant life.

(In line with the UN’s Social Development Goals 3 & 17)


"I’m a trainer in EFT in MBIR and I didn’t understand the meridians properly. It’s been revelationory for me. I’ve seen myself evolve from one place. Being able to see each week how my vision has expanded, my clarity and now I understand the language of my own body and my own emotions in much more depth. It’s just been wonderful and revelutionory, so if anyone is a Practitioner in any other modalities this is so simple and so effective you can work will all people at all levels. It’s not Woo woo, it’s just effective"
Angela Connolly
Energy Trainer
Working with Rachel is such a pleasure. She has helped me shift some old pain and I definitely have way more ease and comfort in my body. She is intuitive and understanding and most importantly patient when I couldn’t ’see’ what she was talking about. She helped me find other ways to release past pain. Sometimes I would find myself thinking ‘how did she know that?’ when she would pick up on exactly what my issue was. I would genuinely work with her again.
Lorraine Maguire
Rapid Transformational Therapist
"I’ve just finished the 7th week. What can I say! It’s given me a new lease of life! I was suffering from 3 to 4 panic attacks a day, debilitating panic attacks. Not sleeping, not eating, doctors put me on medication. Now I’m no medication; no panic attacks or if I can feel one coming on I know how to deal with it with the tips and tools this course has given me. It doesn’t scare me anymore to deal with my anxiety as well. I’m sleeping better and helping family members with it. I’d advise anyone to give it a go. The whole family can see a difference in me.”
Amy Fitton
Dental Nurse
I've been suffering from long COVID For about a year now, and I've been doing mother, daughter work with Rachel for three sessions and the improvement that it's had on both of us is just incredible. We've tried doctors and medication and different alternative forms of healing and other ways as well. But the healing that we've been doing with Rachel has just completely changed our experience with COVID. I can sit up in bed now which might seem just so miniscule but is a big step for me and my mom. I used to find it, insanely hard to breathe by just doing simple tasks or going up and down the stairs, that's improved, I can do so without feeling like I've run a marathon. I can sit up in bed, whereas I wasn't able to do that before, from just muscle pain and back pain and honestly being tired all the time. I am forever grateful for the work that Rachel has done for us, and I totally 100% recommend anyone who's thinking about it, seeking the same type of healing from Rachel, I love the work that we've done so far, it's definitely made an incredible improvement to our lives, so far and we will continue, because we think this is the road to getting better.
16 Year Old
I took part in a long covid study that was run by Rachel. When I started the sessions I was experiencing many of the main COVID symptoms 8 months after first falling ill. These included brain fog, severe fatigue and breathlessness to name but a few. I started the sessions and felt great after the first one. We continued to have the sessions and after the third I felt amazing, like I could take on the world!!! I couldn’t understand why I had not known that this treatment was out there! I highly recommend these techniques and in particular, Rachel’s approach and kind, understanding ways. Now I know how good I can feel and am learning the techniques to ensure that I can continue my journey. Thanks Rachel.
Liz Ferne
Hello, I have suffered with COVID and long COVID Since March, 2020, and my teenage daughter has had to. Almost nothing we can do is helping us get better. I've done lots of research, the waiting to see paediatrician for her and get into an old COVID clinic, and the doctors are very lovely but there's nothing they can do while we wait. And with the crisis in the NHS we just wait and wait and nothing changes. So we've been trying to help ourselves I've been trying to get help for both of us. And working with Rachel's the first thing that my daughter and I have tried that have actually made a difference to our health and our symptoms. We have 32 Long COVID symptoms, some of them very severe. I've had huge cognitive impairment. I have pain, fatigue, barely left the house for a year except to go to medical appointments. I didn't know it was possible to feel this bad. But since working with Rachel it's the first time in a year that things have begun to improve. My breathing on my chest and the pain in my heart have dropped by about 75%. My voice is stronger, my throat is less sore. My thinking is clear and my fatigue is lower and I have more energy. It's incredible what we've accomplished in three sessions. I look forward to accomplishing more, and it's been most profound for me. To see the massive improvement in my daughter who has literally been lying on her back, prone for almost a year, while we do our best to look after her physical and mental health, and her pain has gone down greatly, and some of her symptoms have cleared completely. This work is miraculous. and I really recommend it.

Live4Energy has 5 main pillars of strength, which when combined and utilised effectively, help create a truly aligned, energy focused, experience for the rest of your life.

Resulting in joy, peace and love being an integral part of your relationships, work, community and country, on a daily basis.

Rachel loves collabrations and community projects so if you have something you think we could work together on please do get in touch!

Why not check out some of the Community initiatives Rachel is involved in below.  You never know you may just wish to join us!

Live4Energy Training College ensures that the “5 British Values through the Hand of Tolerance” are integrated into all our courses. Thus tightening up the standards on trainee welfare; improving safeguarding, and the standards on spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of trainees to strengthen inclusion in all our work. 

Helping you be excited and inspired about the future, not fearful of it!

Just some of the beautiful souls I have been privileged to work with in the last couple of years.